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Remizova Lubov

Born in Moscow in 1983.

Lives and works in Moscow and Thailand (Bangkok/Samui). Graduated from Yaroslav the Wise NSU, Faculty of Design. Student at the Joseph Bakstein Institute of Contemporary Art. In 2023 together with Gala GALOLBO founded the art group Agency of Illusory Competence “Lemon Juice”. Works are in private collections in Russia, Asia and the USA. 


  • 2022 - 2024 — Joseph Bakstein Institute of Contemporary Art. “New Artistic Strategies.”
  • 2023 — TSCA, “Art and Politics: Contexts, Concepts, Assemblages”, Natalia Serkova, Vitaly Bezpalov
  • 2023 — 19AAcademy, “Contemporary sculpture/object+relief”, Anna Tagantseva
  • 2008 — Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, Faculty of Design


  • 2023 — "Dog buzz", paired exhibition with Gala GALOLBO (“Lemon Juice” A K), Art-territory “Beliye Alesi”, Moscow 
  • 2023 — "Stranger", Atelier Gallery, Samui, Thailand
  • 2022 — "Dreamers",Artzhe Gallery, Samui, Thailand


  • 2024 — a—s—t—r—a open.vol. 5, a—s—t—r—a gallery, CCA Winzavod, Moscow
  • 2024 — Mango Art Festival, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 2024 — “The Most Discussed Animal on Earth”, ARBUZZ Gallery, Moscow (curated by Anastasia Sekunda)
  • 2023 — “Untitled”, Devyatnadtsat' Gallery, Moscow (curator Anna Tagantseva)
  • 2023 — “Citizen of the World”, Art Territory “White Alleys”, Moscow.
  • 2023 — “GEN”, Festival of Contemporary Art “The First Factory of Avant-Garde”, Ivanovo (curated by Dasha Rastunina)
  • 2023 — “PROUD TO BE ME”, Street Star Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand (curated by Tiew Jit)
  • 2023 — “Pulsating Matter”, CTI Fabrika, Moscow (curated by Stanislav Shurina)
  • 2022 — “POV: Street of Bangkok”, art space by MOCA Bangkok (Museum of Contemporary of Art Bangkok)
  • 2022 — “Wow!”, Gallery Here on Taganka, Moscow (curated by Ksenia Gorbatyuk)
  • 2022 — “The World of Art”, New Tretyakovka, Moscow (curator Elena Bolotskikh)
  • 2022 — “Together”, All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts, Moscow (curator Marika Parsadanelli)
  • 2022 — “CLOSER> WIP ART MARKET, Moscow (curator Anna Demina)


  • 2024 — WIN-WIN Contemporary Art Market VIII, Winzavod, Moscow 
  • 2023 - Modern Art Market “WIN-WIN” VII, Winzavod, Moscow.
  • 2023 - New Year's Market of graphics and ceramics “Artfetch”, Triptych Gallery, Moscow, Moscow
  • 2022 - Auction INSIGHT AUCTION (curator Anna Semyonova)

“The subject of my research is the problematics of the relationship between local and global contexts, the issues of identity as an unalienated and safe space. Through this, I seek to analyze the formation of the image of the Other and identity as such, shaped, among other things, by socio-cultural, economic-political factors and generational traumas. I also explore how social conflicts affect the creation of collective history and the reflection of its narratives in the individual. My identity has been shaped by the Soviet and post-Soviet contexts and then transformed by different cultural environments. As a consequence, I experience the phenomenon of “cultural erasure” and changing identities. 

In my projects I try to understand how, for people exposed to globalization and historical collisions, the experience of the past is reflected, whether it can be replaced by alternative experiences, how personal and social memory works in such a case, and how what binds collectivities can manifest. I work at the intersection of different media such as public art, installation, sculpture, painting and ceramics. Through this integrated approach, I aim to emphasize the complexity and multifaceted nature of both the local social environment and the individual.”

Lubov Remizova, artist


Linden Beach
Ремизова Любовь

Linden Beach, 2023

Глина, глазурь
10 х 17 см
17 000 ₽
Linden Beach
Ремизова Любовь

Linden Beach, 2023

Глина, глазурь
10 х 17 см
17 000 ₽
Linden Beach
Ремизова Любовь

Linden Beach, 2023

Глина, глазурь
10 х 17 см
17 000 ₽
Linden Beach
Ремизова Любовь

Linden Beach, 2023

Глина, глазурь
10 х 17 см
20 000 ₽
Linden Beach
Ремизова Любовь

Linden Beach, 2023

Глина, глазурь
10 х 17 см
20 000 ₽
Linden Beach
23 000 ₽
Linden Beach
55 000 ₽
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