contemporary art gallery
Open callUp to 60 000ArtistsStatementCollaboration


OPEN CALL for artists 

a—s—t—r—a gallery in co-curatorship with the newnow team are preparing the fifth edition of the a—s—t—r—a open project.

a—s—t—r—a open is a series of group exhibitions, during which the gallery space becomes a place of institutional debut, testing of new ideas and a platform for artistic dialog.

Within the framework of this initiative a—s—t—r—a continues the main line of its activity - discovery of new names, experimentation and testing of hypotheses.

There are no restrictions on age, technique and themes (within the limits of Russian law).

Applications are accepted via google form: 

If you have any questions, please email

NB: we will consider works in any media, including digital, but they must be fully ready to exhibit.

IMPORTANT CONDITIONS for participation in the open call:

  • works must be completed, in your possession and ready to be exhibited by the specified date in Moscow;
  • if the works have already been exhibited, it is necessary to indicate it with an active link to the site and the event; 
  • works should not be sold or under contract with another commercial gallery;
  • it is necessary to specify actual contacts for operative communication;
  • the exhibition involves the sale of works with a commission from the gallery. 

Important: if you are already collaborating with any other gallery, please consult with your gallerist about the possibility of participating in our exhibition before submitting your application. 


The main goal of a—s—t—r—a is to become a platform for dialog and hypothesis testing,

Therefore, we announce open-ended open calls in the following areas:

1. STATEMENT single work exhibition - a permanent cycle of solo shows by artists selected by open call.

We do not limit the artist by theme, material or form.

The main task of the cycle is to initiate discussions on a variety of topics based on personal statements of the artists.

We expect one work + a finished textual statement in the form of a manifesto.

The artist can speak together with a curator, art theorist or philosopher.

The winner of each new season will be provided with a gallery showcase (1.3 m by 3.4 m) to demonstrate one work and a separate surface to place a personal manifesto (0.7 m by 2.5 m), as well as the opportunity to hold a meeting at the gallery to discuss the raised topic with collectors and friends of the gallery.

Applications for participation are accepted to with Statement in the subject line.

2. We are open for interaction with CURATORS and are ready to consider various curatorial projects for realization on our platform.

Please send a description of the project to with CURATORIAL in the subject line.

3. We are open for cooperation with PHILOSOPHAS and are ready to provide a platform for various educational events.

4. A call for applications from artists and curators for the exhibition cycle "CENTER WHERE I AM" is open.

During 2023-2024 a—s—t—r—a together with invited curators (possibly you) will show exhibition group projects of artists (possibly you) from various cities: Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Ufa and others.

The task that a—s—t—r—a gallery sets for itself, initiating this cycle, is not only to acquaint Moscow collectors and art community with new names, but also to become a place for the realization of opportunities for the development of horizontal ties between the participants of art processes in different cities. In addition to exhibitions, the cycle envisages public talks, meetings and field art tours both for immersion in local art scenes and for exploring the Moscow cultural landscape.

Application requirements: please indicate in the subject line "the center where I am. CITY (where you are from)", attach a portfolio of works or an exhibition project to the letter in pdf format. It is obligatory to send a detailed CV as a pdf attachment.

For curators: the project may include artists from only one city or region and should reflect the current, possibly alternative art scene of contemporary art.

We are open for cooperation in various directions and will be glad to become a place where you can find like-minded people and feel that the horizon of possibilities has not collapsed, but on the contrary - opened for a friendly embrace.

Important: if we have something to offer you, we will certainly respond. Our silence is not always a refusal, sometimes there is simply no suitable project to start cooperation.

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