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Yuldash Dishon

Yuldash Dishon

Dishon Yuldash is an artist and founder of the Moscow gallery ISSMAG. Lives and works in Moscow. Graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art named after Joseph Backstein: course "New artistic strategies" in the specialty "modern artistic practice" workshop of Stas Shuripa.

Dishon Yuldash works with the sculptural environment. The main task of the work is the study of the fluid medium of forms, the physical influence of materials, fluid structures, new forms of practice as therapy restoration.

As a resident of the Richter Workshops, the artist Dishon Yuldash created the design of a bottle for the Richter perfume with incense and black currant scent from Matvey Yudov.

Founder of the non-commercial project Prolog.Vision, within which was held the group exhibition "Planned Obsolescence" of curator Alexander Burenkov, who received the Innovation - 2017 prize in the "Curator of the Year" nomination.


  • 2021 "All dogs go to heaven" by Stasia Grishina, ISSMAG Gallery, Moscow
  • 2020 — "Deformation without tearing and gluing" Vitaly Bezpalov, Yan Ginzburg, Victor Timofeev, Biennale Carbone 20, Saint Etienne, France
  • 2020 — "The unwavering one multiplies boredom, with - dead mother-of-pearl, a hollow mystery" Katia Khassine, ISSMAG Gallery, Moscow
  • 2019 — Curator of projects a-s-t-r-a gallery, Moscow
  • 2018 — Concert-practice "m e r t s a n i e" by Anastasia Tolchneva (aka Lovozero) and Anna Kravchenko, ISSMAG Gallery, Moscow
  • 2017 — "Respawn, if a prisoner, who if not you" Alexey Taruts, ISSMAG Gallery, Moscow


  • 2022 - Art Moscow Program at the 48th Russian Antique Salon, a-s-t-r-a gallery. Gostiny dvor, Moscow.
  • 2021 - Cosmoscow art fair, a-s-t-r-a gallery, Moscow
  • 2021 - Blazar, a-s-t-r-a gallery, Moscow


  • 2021 - Victor Timofeev solo exhibition. ISSMAG, Moscow (pending).
  • 2021 - "All Dogs Go to Paradise" by Stasya Grishina, ISSMAG Gallery, Moscow
  • 2020 - "Deformation without Tearing and Gluing" by Vitaly Bezpalov, Jan Ginzburg, Viktor Timofeev, Carbone 20 Biennale, Saint-Etienne, France
  • 2020 - "Quintessence" solo exhibition by Vitaly Bezpalov. ISSMAG, Moscow. 
  • 2020 - Exhibition of one work by Bora Akinchuk (London). ISSMAG, Moscow
  • 2020 - "Boredomless multiplies boredom, with - dead pearl, hollow mystery" by Katya Khasina, ISSMAG Gallery, Moscow
  • 2020-2021 - New season curated by TZVETNIK invited Dishon Yuldash. ISSMAG. Moscow 
  • 2020 - ". no w" sound installation by Yegor Anonko. ISSMAG, Moscow 
  • 2019 - Curator of projects a-s-t-r-a gallery, Moscow
  • 2018 - "Protodermis" installation by Abu Blunt. ISSMAG, Moscow
  • 2018 - "m e r t s a n i e" concert-practice by Anastasia Tolchneva (aka Lovozero) and Anna Kravchenko, ISSMAG Gallery, Moscow
  • 2017 - "vctn" installation and video work by Alena Shapovalova and musician Ignat Olenev (Johns Kingdom). ISSMAG, Moscow 
  • 2017 - "Who if you are not" performance by Alexei Taruts. Rabitsa, Moscow 
  • 2017 - "Let all your dreams come true" performance-audio-installation, Alexei Taruts. Cosmoscow Art Fair, Moscow 
  • 2016 - "Respawn, exactly, if not you then who" solo exhibition of Alexei Taruts. ISSMAG, Moscow 
  • 2016 - "Bangs" solo exhibition by Oleg Ustinov. CTI Fabrika, Moscow
  • 2015 - "STILL MOVING" group exhibition, Sinead Breslin, Alexander Selivanov, Oleg Ustinov. Spiridonov House, Moscow



Сувенир trapa natans
Found object in dead kingdom
Yuldash Dishon

Found object in dead kingdom, 2022

Керамика, алюминий
35 х 30 см
Baquet Moral #III Big, без дна
Yuldash Dishon

Baquet Moral #III Big, без дна, 2021

Aaluminum, porcelain, stone mass, perfume
57 х 50 см
The Exist, suspended sympathy vat
Yuldash Dishon

The Exist, suspended sympathy vat, 2021

Керамика, алюминий
Высота 123 см, окружность 30 см
Soft power, bow to earth
Yuldash Dishon

Soft power, bow to earth, 2021

Aluminum casting, metal, carving
170 х 73 х 163 см
Посох Baculus &I
Yuldash Dishon

Посох Baculus &I, 2021

Фарфор, алюминий
170 х 20 х 3 см
Yuldash Dishon

Подушка, 2024

10 х 12 х 5 см
Yuldash Dishon

Гало, 2024

Фарфор, алюминий, металлические цепи
Высота 185 см, ширина 30 см
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