06.09.2024, Glebova Marina
Born in Siberia, in the city of Angarsk in 1977. In 2021 she moved to St. Petersburg.
Born in Siberia, in the city of Angarsk in 1977. In 2021 she moved to St. Petersburg.
Born in Moscow in 1984.
The artist works with painting, graphics and textiles in s...
The artist was born in 1982 in Kaliningrad. In order to better convey his idea, the author used to draw from photographs for a long time. However, now he ...
Studied at the Fedorov Moscow State University of Fine Arts (now the Higher School of Fine Arts and Design within the Moscow ...
Graduated from the Moscow Art School of Applied Arts at mghpa im Stroganov; Moscow Polytechnic (graphic artist). I am e...
Marina Grekova was born in 1983 in Izhevsk. She lives and works in Moscow. Educated at Udmurt State University in Applied Inf...
Menzhilyi Olga, artist-painter
Born in 1997. Lives and works in Moscow.
Contemporary artist, postgraduate student...
Born in 1986 in Gorky.
Works in graphic techniques: tempera, watercolor, pastel, diatipi...
Myachina Anastasia is a visual artist originally from Samara, living and working in St. Petersburg.
Born in 1994 in Kazan, Russia. Lives and works in Moscow.
Alexander is a multidisc...
Alina Koryakina was born in 1993 in the town of Valuiki, Belgorod region. Since 2024 she has been living in St. Petersburg.
Endowing her own memory with corporeality, each time the artist turns to different mediums that make the perception of the pa...
Artist, illustrator and teacher with an architectural background. Trained in illustration at Britannica, teaches at IIC...
In her youth, in search of applying her skills and looking for a future specialty, the artist took various courses (MARKHI, G...
Born in Saransk.
Visual interdisciplinary artist, lives and works in Serpukhov (Moscow region).
She start...
Born in Angarsk in 1991, lives and works in St. Petersburg. In 2022 graduated from the Repin Academy of Arts, Faculty of Pain...
Lives and works in Saint Peterburg. Sculptor. Student of the Repin Academy of Arts.
Elena Taganova (b. 1990) – artist, working with photography. Lives in Moscow. Graduated from Contemporary School of Photography Polezreniya.
AEVGENIK — псевдомним художницы Евгении Матвеевой.
Artist and photograph, works with digital and analog photography, hand printing, video, graduate of the Rodchenko Schoo...
Katya na Khata is the pseudonym of artist Katerina Menshikova.
Born in Yekaterinburg, sh...
Born on April 27, 1967 in Grodno region of BSSR in a military family. Now lives in Shchelkovo, Moscow region.
Dmitry Zakunov is an artist working in the technique of chronophotography, which is based on shooting at a
long shutter sp...
"In my practice I focus on personal and socio-political themes, problems of the functioning of culture and the artistic c...
Alyona Zhandarova (1988) lives and works in Ivanovo, Russia.
She studied at the European...
Artist, choreographer, independent publisher. She works with photography, video, objects, dance and book format. The themes t...
Multidisciplinary artist and curator, currently working with installation, sculpture and performance. She holds a master's de...
Katitia is the creative pseudonym of artist Ekaterina Boldyreva. She has been a member of the PARAZIT art group since 2...
Born in Moscow in 1994.
Works with classical graphic and painting techniques, but is als...
Participated in a number of national and international exhibitions. Solo exhibitions in the gallery “Tunnel” at t...
Born in Moscow in 1996.
Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomon...
sashonichka is the creative pseudonym of artist Alexander Korobov.
I don't fo...
Peter Bystrov is a contemporary artist and curator, a member of the art community VGLAZ.
Ilmira Bolotyan is an artist, curator, candidate of philological sciences. Lives and works in Moscow.
At different stages of his creativity Barabanov turned to a variety of techniques: using automatic writing, fixing images fro...
Grisha Danunaher — псевдоним художника Станислава Богданова.
The development of artificial intelligence, the creation of virtual universes, and the digitization of all aspects of modern ...
Занимается живописью и графикой. Пишет драматургические и прозаические тексты различных жанров. Резидент м...
Born in Yakutsk in 1988. Currently live and work in Moscow.
Born in 1989.
Artist, model, Creator of the Durdona brand.
Graduate of the Department of art ceramics of MGHPU. Stroganov, workshop of And...
Isayenkov Andrey is a contemporary Russian artist who works at the intersection of minimalism and abstraction.
Anna Ivanovna graduated from RSPI. Participated in various republican exhibitions. In 2014, she took part in the project of women's art workshops "Kitchen...
Born in 1989.
Since the mid-90s, he has been engaged in experimental music and field recordings, which served as the basis for the transition to t...
"Я начал рисовать во время первого локдауна COVID-19 в 2020 году. Сначала я использовал искусство как средство для эмоци...
Nadezhda Kosinskaya lives and works in St. Petersburg. Graduate of St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts named after A.L. Stie...
Born in 1983.
Ivan Korshunov works in the hyperrealistic style of painting, using the old three- stages method of the painting . The author is sur...
Born in 1991 in Moscow.
Member of the TCAA since 2021.
Dmitriy Margolin was born in Leningrad.
In 2020 Dmitry received an offer to paint the Church of St.John the Baptist in the Pushkin Mountains. Work...
Nikita Makarov was born in 1980 in Moscow. After graduating from the Moscow State Academic Art School in memory of 1905 in 2002, h...
For 10 years he has been experimenting with ways of shaping and working with space. By creating blown metal modules it is pos...
Maro Mikoyan is a multidisciplinary artist, film director, basic lines is scul...
Born November 19, 1963.
In 1984 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural College.
In 1996 he became a member of the International Union of ...
Evgenia Nozhkina (b. 1986) is one of the brightest representatives of the Voronezh art scene, actively participates in exhibitions at independent and inst...
Born in 1980, lives and works in Moscow and St.Petersburg.
Artist ...
Born in 2001 in Engels, Saratov region.
Since childhood she ...
Окончила Школу современного искусства «Свободные мастерские ММОМА. В своих работах исследует красоту и хрупкость природы, размышляет о прожитом и уш...
Natalia Struchkova was one of the pioneers of web-design in Russia, creating three-dimensional graphics. Since 2001, sh...
Maria Semenskaya was born in Siberia in 1974.
Graduated from the Kurgan Art School. She studied at St.Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art an...
Mariya Safronova was born in 1979 in the city of Rzhev, Tver Region.
In 2003 she grad...
Александр Семенцов (1941-2005) — советский и российский художник, физик и альпинист. Наиболее известен пейзажной живописью и натюрмортами, жан...
b. 1988, Russia
Nikita Shokhov is a visual artist and filmmaker. Working in XR, video and photography Shokh...
Evgeniy Teterin was born in 1979.
He began teaching sculpture at the Rostov Art College ...
Liza Tokareva is an award-winning contemporary artist based in Moscow. She has MFA Degree from The Surikov Art Institute i...
Выпускница ИСИ имени Иосифа Бакштейна и Академии Художеств имени Репина. Изучает тему телесности через отождествление с русской иконографией...
Kristina Yatkovskaya is a contemporary artist who paints paintings (abstraction, pop art, sensual conceptualism), prose, draw...
Born and raised in St. Petersburg. She graduated from "Contemporary art" at The British higher school of art and des...
She was born in Latvia in 1985. Lives and works in St. Petersburg.
Khodak Nikita is a Russian “street wave” artist.
Was born in 1992 in Moscow. He began his artistic career...
Окончила Колледж дизайна при КБГУ, в городе Нальчик по специальности «Графический дизайнер». Работы хранятся в...
Born in Moscow in 1983.
Lives and works in Moscow and Thailand (Bangkok/Samui). Graduate...
Окончил МГУ им. Ломоносова и Московскую школу фотографии и мультимедиа им. Родченко. «Меня интересует тема соприкосновения психологических проекций ...
Nikolai Prokofiev was born in 1993 in Moscow.
The main mediums are painting and drawing...
Опираясь на наследие европейской сцены послевоенного искусства середины XX века, Артемий соединил в своей живописи теорию абс...
Художник-концептуалист, иллюстратор, дизайнер, лектор. В своих проектах Вера поднимает социально значимые вопросы. Ее работы - это рассуждения на темы суб...
Alexander Platonov was born in 1970. Now he lives and works in Moscow.
After gradu...
Born in 1984 in Rechitsa, Belarus. Lives and works in Minsk.
Since 2004 has been engaged...
Niko Marina is the pseudonym of the artist Marina Nikonova.
She works in the genre...
Маруся и Митя (Нестеровы) – семейный дуэт, с 2018 года работающий над графическими, видео и мультимедиа проектами в рам...
Окончила отделение миниатюрной живописи Колледжа декоративно-прикладного искусства им. Карла Фаберже по специальности художник-мастер декоративно-прикладн...
Междисциплинарный художник, работающий с керамикой, фотографией, живописью.
В своей художественной практике использует аналоговые медиумы - графику, живопись, коллаж и линогравюру. Главная задача в пра...
Выпускник Санкт-Петербургской Академии Художеств имени Репина. Художник круга «Север-7». Создает рельефы из полимерной глины. Художественный с...
Выпускница академии им. Штиглица. Лауреат Фонда Frants Art (2020). Занимается графикой, видео-артом и фотографией. Изучает роль личности в современном общ...
Финалист премии «Гильдии рекламных фотографов России», вошел в лонглист премии “1x Photo Awards”. В проектах Алексея представлены ...
Russian artist, photographer and designer from Moscow born in 1996. Participant and organiser of exhibitions. Works and lives in Tbilisi.
Художница, арт-директор, куратор, организатор творческих институций, таких как художественно объединение «Сироп», школа современного искусства...
Занимается книжной и журнальной иллюстрацией
"My primary occupation is figurative and experimental
painting. Concentrating particularly on the character, I visualize m...
Выпускник Школы Современного искусства «Свободные мастерские» ММОМА. Перешел из стрит-арта в концептуальную живопись и объемные инсталляции, к...
Окончила Академию художеств им И.Е.Репина, театрально-декорационную мастерскую, факультет живописи. Работает в техниках аквар...
Окончил художественный факультет ВГИКа им. Герасимова по специальности художник-аниматор. Во время творческой практики в инст...
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
He is a representative of the graduates of the Surikov Moscow State Academic Art Institute. After graduation, he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and im...
Born in 1985.
Artist and the founder of the project on contemporary art Tzvetnik, a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Russian State Uni...
Born in 1987.
Artist, illustrator, designer of the visual space, the art director. VGIK graduate, workshop A. N. Tolkachev. One of the five winner...
Born in 1975
An abstract artist. He is a grandson of a Soviet artist Fyodor Golenkova. He graduated from Tbilisi S...