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04.09.2024, 2КМ

2КМ — дуэт двух художников Артура Кривошеина и Влада Мальцева. 

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28.07.2024, Taganova Lena

Elena Taganova (b. 1990) – artist, working with photography. Lives in Moscow. Graduated from Contemporary School of Photography Polezreniya.

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27.07.2024, Ros Vika

Artist and photograph, works with digital and analog photography, hand printing, video, graduate of the Rodchenko Schoo...

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22.07.2024, Katitsia

Katitia is the creative pseudonym of artist Ekaterina Boldyreva.  She has been a member of the PARAZIT art group since 2...

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24.03.2023, Alina Bliumis

Alina Bliumis is New York-based artist. Alina received her BFA from the School of Visual Art in 1999 and a diploma from the Advanced Course in Visual Arts...

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24.03.2023, Akins Graham

Graham Akins is an artist who works with print, sculpture, video, and installation to address cultural and philosophical issues regarding nature as an abs...

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15.07.2022, Alien Jolie

An autodidact artist, she works with catchy images, simple plots, cropped compositions and expressive drawings. Each of Jolie's works is introspectiv...

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15.07.2022, Bushuev Pavel

From 2014 to 2017 he studied at the creative studios of the Russian Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.  His works are in the collections of the Faber...

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15.07.2022, Mustafin Rinat

Rinat Mustafin was born in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region, in 1991. He received a higher education in Moscow as an architect. Since 2011 is engaged in a...

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18.06.2022, Boytsov Seva


  • 2003 - 2008 — Московское Государственное Академическое Художес...

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10.06.2022, Yakovlev Anton

The artist was born in 1982 in Kaliningrad. In order to better convey his idea, the author used to draw from photographs for a long time. However, now he ...

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27.07.2021, GALOLBO

The development of artificial intelligence, the creation of virtual universes, and the digitization of all aspects of modern ...

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17.07.2021, Gorelikov Sasha

Занимается живописью и графикой. Пишет драматургические и прозаические тексты различных жанров. Резидент м...

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13.07.2021, Kawarga Dmitry

A large cycle of works is based on the synthesis of art and technology. created in collaboration with scientists, programmers and engineers. These a...

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12.07.2021, Korshunov Ivan

Born in 1983.

Ivan Korshunov works in the hyperrealistic style of painting, using the old three- stages method of the painting . The author is sur...

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11.07.2021, Kuznetsova Daria

Dasha Kuznetsova works in different media. Many of her works are characterized by a special alchemical and "spiritual" relationship to the material: wood,...

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11.07.2021, Margolin Dmitriy

Dmitriy Margolin was born in Leningrad.

In 2020 Dmitry received an offer to paint the Church of St.John the Baptist in the Pushkin Mountains. Work...

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08.07.2021, Ostrov Egor

Egor Ostrov is a third-generation artist, a descendant of the old-school academicians and iconoclasts of the 1960s. He thoughtfully defends the artistic l...

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06.07.2021, Sladkova Anna

Окончила Школу современного искусства «Свободные мастерские ММОМА. В своих работах исследует красоту и хрупкость природы, размышляет о прожитом и уш...

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06.07.2021, Smirnoff Veronica

Veronica Smirnoff is a British artist of Russian origin, (born Moscow, Russia, 1979). She gained a BA from the Slade School of Art and a post graduate dip...

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06.07.2021, Stroev Denis

Born in 1980.

A graduate of the ISI Database, the group of Russian and international exhibitions, including “Hooray! Sculpture!"to the Maneg...

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06.07.2021, Taguti Anna-Katia

Anna-Katia Taguti (Ekaterina Kozlova) was born in Riga in the family of the artist Yakov Kozlov, a representative of the academic school of Russian painti...

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04.07.2021, Philimonova Maria

Выпускница ИСИ имени Иосифа Бакштейна и Академии Художеств имени Репина. Изучает тему телесности через отождествление с русской иконографией...

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03.07.2021, Romanovskaya Lena

Окончила Колледж дизайна при КБГУ, в городе Нальчик по специальности «Графический дизайнер». Работы хранятся в...

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03.07.2021, Rezhet Andrey

Окончил МГУ им. Ломоносова и Московскую школу фотографии и мультимедиа им. Родченко. «Меня интересует тема соприкосновения психологических проекций ...

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02.07.2021, Potemkin Artemiy

Опираясь на наследие европейской сцены послевоенного искусства середины XX века, Артемий соединил в своей живописи теорию абс...

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02.07.2021, Po Vera

Художник-концептуалист, иллюстратор, дизайнер, лектор. В своих проектах Вера поднимает социально значимые вопросы. Ее работы - это рассуждения на темы суб...

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02.07.2021, Petrova Nadya

Выпускница Школы современного искусства «Свободные мастерские» ММОМА и Британской высшей школы дизайна, Надя работает в двух медиа: вязание и...

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